Work with me

Do you want to experience mental freedom, optimal health, an increased capacity to earn more money and to enjoy life to the full? Do you want support from a thinking partner to champion and challenge you? I offer bespoke 1:1 and group coaching programmes as well as retreats and workshops.

A few years ago I was in a real slump, I was stuck, had lost confidence, wasn’t enjoying work, it was bleeding into life at home. I knew I had to get more clarity, I wanted to feel excited again, and live fully aligned to my true self.

Fast forward 10 years and I left my award-winning marketing and strategy career, retrained as a leadership and life coach, and I help people navigate that path of change, build their business and thrive.

My clients want to create a life on their terms which might include setting up their own creative business or changing jobs. 

As well as life coaching, I offer mentoring and coaching to founders in the creative industries.

1:1 BESPOKE COACHING for individuals

At a crossroads? Stuck in a rut or which way to turn? My 1:1 coaching is a powerful way to build confidence and get clarity on decisions you’re having trouble making. What do I want? What are my skills? How can I use them in a way that makes my heart sing, makes me money and fits with the person I am today? We will identify what it is you want, what is getting in the way and map out an action based plan to move you forward.

Ideal for navigating change, unblocking barriers, finding your purpose, creating action.

3, 6, 12 month programmes available including fortnightly coaching sessions, personalised action plan, contact with me via messaging between sessions, notes and tools to support your progress.

I have created a powerful purpose-led framework. We focus on the 5 A’s of my framework – authentic self, acceptance of self, alignment, action and adaptability. I have created this framework as a result of my own journey from lost to found, and my experience of coaching clients. 

for individuals who want support to get out of a rut, navigate the crossroads and find their purpose to live fully aligned to their true self. This might also include building confidence, recovering from burnout, working out what’s next and how to achieve it.

for women with a creative business or who are about to launch a new business, who need support in their business strategy, sales and marketing approach. I have decades of experience working on strategy, marketing and sales roles in small businesses, agencies & global brands. Creative by nature, I am drawn to working with other creative women who need a thinking partner and champion.


CREATE – Group coaching for new and fledgling businesses run by women

Working on your own can be a lonely and isolating experience. Tapping into my decades of small business experience, and joining others on a similar journey, you will shift from a hard slog mindset to feeling positive, empowered and equipped with the right strategy, sales and marketing know-how to get results in your business and start making money.

If you love the energy of a group, and feel empowered to come together with other founders and entrepreneurs wanting to set up their own small business – join my new group coaching programme. I work with lots of creatives in business – artists, writers, jewellery designers, florists, interior designers, event hosts.

Register your interest for the next group starting in late September/early October 2024. 12 weeks. More info in link below – two 1:1 sessions, 2 group calls, sales clinic, and access to 12 videos taking you from strategy, brand positioning, USP, audience targeting, marketing, sales and growth, as well as mindset and motivation.

You will leave with a clear strategy and roadmap for your new or fledgling business. You’ll know who your target customers are, you’ll understand and map out the customer journey, how to bring people into your pipeline, move them through to sale. All the while, managing your own mindset to stay focused, energised and strategic.



Brilliant for people who want to work on a career move or business strategy and need a short sharp injection of focus, accountability, mentoring and clear roadmap. I’ll send you a short questionnaire to complete before we meet, then we’ll meet for 3 hours of coaching, and follow up 2-3 weeks later with a 45 minute integration call.



Bespoke packages, workshops, half days… I run these popular workshops for wellness retreats, private members clubs, school inset days, who want to give their teams or membership an inspiring session of life coaching . Get in touch to find out more and discuss availability.


Other ways you can work with me – visit my events and courses page for details of live events and self study options.

Here are some of the results I’ve helped my clients achieve recently:


  • Selling out their retreats in hours
  • Launching their brand we have developed with sell out workshops
  • Finding balance, freedom and flex with portfolio careers
  • Building confidence and know-how to set up their own creative businesses, exceeding financial targets while having more free time


  • Achieving promotion and pay rise as part of PDR
  • 5 figure bonuses
  • Reaching highest level of recognition in PDR
  • Landing their dream job with interview prep and understanding the roles they are best suited to
  • Breaking free of limiting beliefs that held them back from stepping into leadership


  • New levels of confidence in their abilities and what they want in life
  • Clear strategy to make moves to next stage of career and life
  • Huge weight lifted – life looks and feels more joyful
  • More able to plan ahead with less fear and to strategise better to break activities into achievable chunks and focus
  • More aligned to their values and what matters to them, shifting their emotional, physical, mental and spiritual outlook
  • Recovery from burnout using my resilience framework – this has been extremely dominant since the pandemic
  • Tackling people pleasing so it no longer drives decision making
  • Dealing with imposter syndrome to achieve more success, greater wealth and able to take on new opportunities
  • Communicating their needs within their relationship to move to greater happiness together and understanding of themselves


All leave with a clear sense of their A-game and that now is the time to embrace the endless opportunities the world offers. They also have instilled a feeling and outlook of optimism and grace.


Our Pricing

Prices on request for all coaching

Please email me via the messaging box below or at

A percentage of my fees goes to environmental action and rewilding the UK through the work of The Wildlife Trusts.


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