About Me

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Caroline Jory Coaching

Personal Development


I’m a qualified professional certified coach, passionate about supporting people to navigate major transitions in life to step confidently onto new pathways. 

I’m Caroline Jory. I’m 52, living in Brighton with my partner and two children, aged 17 and 15. I grew up in the Cotswolds, went to school in Oxford and continue to move between Brighton and the Cotswolds where I have family. 

For 2024, there are two key pillars to my work 

life coaching, where I help people to understand what gets in the way of us creating the life we really want, and how to go about removing those barriers to live with a greater sense of fulfilment. I am drawn to the space where wellbeing and work meet, how to support people to strive for their goals and dreams while living in a state of total wellbeing.

working with founders businesses in the creative industries – whether starting out or already highly successful. I bring my 25 years experience of strategy, helping run small businesses, marketing and sales as well as the very best in personal development.

My move into coaching came when I hit my mid 40s – recently divorced, Mum was diagnosed with dementia, Dad’s health was declining rapidly. I needed something with more meaning. People had often said to me ‘I’m due a Caroline chat, when can we meet’ – I can connect with people to figure out thorny issues through conversation. I’m a certified Executive and Senior Leadership Coach and Mentor, qualifying with the ILM Level 7 Certificate, along with a myriad of other shorter courses including relationships coaching. 

I feel profoundly grateful for the life I have built. It’s taken a lot of hard work on my part – managing my own anxiety, loss, tough times and courage. I couldn’t have done it without support.

It’s why I chose to specialise in supporting people with life coaching through major change. Change can feel overwhelming – our ego tells us to play it safe, stay within the lines.

But through coaching, you can unblock the way and start to confidently navigate change. I believe you can’t be too much yourself.

Coaching with me will give you a path through – it’s designed to support you to find that place of strength inside yourself and through my coaching process, you’ll achieve the change you want to see. We co-create a plan you can own, incorporating the reality of who you are and what will work for you. We build on your strengths. We will identify what it is you want, what is getting in the way and map out an action based path to move you forward, with accountability.

I work with private clients, with women who are running or launching creative businesses, and a smaller number of corporates with emerging leaders. My clients work hard to breakthrough and they are testimony to the power of great coaching. People describe coaching with me as life changing.

What makes me so passionate about supporting people on their journey is the possibility it opens up. Not just to achieve what they want but to experience the far reaching ripple effects it has on all areas of their life – happier relationships, better balance with life and work, ability to make more money, and ready to pursue their dreams.

Before coaching, I worked for 25 years at senior level in publishing & marketing and digital marketing in public and private sectors. I’ve worked in award winning agencies alongside some of the best known brands in the UK including John Lewis, Waitrose, Post Office, TSB and luxury travel clients..

I’ve lived in Brighton for 20 years, I moved here from London. Travel is in my family’s DNA, my Dad was from Chile, I was born in Barbados. I travelled extensively in Africa, India, Thailand, and lived in California, Sydney, Montpelier.

This travel has been a cornerstone to the influences I bring to my practise. Drawn to understanding how we can live a more authentic life, I have read and studied extensively on how we can work towards this. Daily morning meditation and being outside in nature have helped me with times in my life when I have felt overwhelmed and in need of a steadying guide. Intentional goal setting and seeing things through are also crucial.

My values are: Integrity, Kindness, Curiosity, Collaboration, Equality, Professionalism

If you’d like to have a chat about how we can work together, either for 1:1 coaching, groups coaching, corporate work or retreats, please get in touch with me using the form below. 

  • Qualified Executive and Senior Leadership Coach and Mentor, ILM Level 7 Certificate. AMInstLM
  • BA Hons in American and English Literature, University of East Anglia, with a year at UCSC, Santa Cruz, California
  • ITEC Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Massage Therapy
  • Affiliate Member, Institute of Coaching, at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate.
  • Professional Member of EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council

Contact Me

Flexible options available including zoom, meeting in Brighton, London or Cotswolds, walking coaching.